Amarillo Rifle & Pistol Club

7650 N Western St, Amarillo, TX.

Smallbore Benchrest Matches

Where the .22 rifle shines!

We are changing our Smallbore Benchrest match format for 2021, from a 75-shot 50-yard match to a 50-shot 100-yard match. These are small club matches which are meant to be an enjoyable Saturday morning gathering rather than an intense competition. If you have thought about getting involved in organized shooting, but haven’t tried it, come on out and give it a try.
Ammunition: 22 long rifle rimfire (LR) only.
Classifications:  Any rifle made by any manufacturer (production or custom) chambered for 22 LR is eligible. There is no weight limit, no scope limits, any safe trigger may be used (as determined by the Match Director), and, on command, the rifle must be made incapable of firing. There are two classes:
          Unlimited class: any action type (single shot or repeater)
          Semi-auto class: any semi-auto rifle
Course of fire: Ten shots in each of the five scoring bulls of an NBRSA HBR-1 target set at 100 yards. Unlimited sighters may be fired at the sighter bull during the match. Total time allowed is 45 minutes.
General Rules:  Adjustable pedestal-type front rests are allowed. Front and rear rests must be two separate rests: one-piece shooting rests, such as a “lead sled”, are not allowed. Per Club safety rules, eye and ear protection are required. There is a $2.00 entry fee.
Match Dates and Times
Monthly matches are scheduled from May through November. See the Club calendar for dates and match start times.  All matches will begin promptly at the posted start time. The range will be closed to non-competitors an hour before the posted start time for range match prep and a competitor-only sighting-in period.
For additional information, contact the Smallbore Benchrest Match Director listed on the Contact Us web page.
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