Amarillo Rifle & Pistol Club

7650 N Western St, Amarillo, TX.


Advanced Hunter Safety Education Program


ARPC hosts Advanced Hunter Safety training.  The advanced Hunter Safety program features additional hands-on instruction above that mandated for a standard program.  For six meetings students attend 2 hours of classroom Hunter Safety instruction with the final test administered at the sixth meeting .  An optional, weather-permitting, 3 hour field day is included near the end of the 6 week program with compass instruction, an archery review (including crossbow), a fifteen station “Shoot-Don’t Shoot” exercise and 22 and 20 gauge field marksmanship instruction.
The class is open to the public and parents are encouraged take the course with their children.  Students successfully completing this Texas Parks and Wildlife- approved program are issued a “Life Time” Hunter Education Card recognized in all states.  Juniors in Texas must be at least 9 years old to take the course.  Anyone born after September 2, 1971 is required to have an approved Hunter Education card while hunting in Texas.  
Registration for the Hunter Education Program is done through the Texas Parks & Wildlife Education Registration System website:
Check the Club calendar for dates and times.
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