About Us
Established 1936

The Amarillo Rifle and Pistol Club (ARPC) is a National Rifle Association (NRA), Texas State Rifle Association (TSRA), and Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) affiliated private-membership organization located on 40 acres of Club-owned land on North Western Street, 2 miles north of Loop 335. Facilities include two outdoor rifle ranges, three outdoor pistol ranges, and a building housing a classroom/meeting room and indoor range for smallbore rifle and bullseye pistol competition.
Our Club has an impressive 88 year operating history. We have trained hundreds of young people to shoot and have provided years of educational and competitive shooting and sporting programs for the people of Amarillo. We take great pride in our long record of safety and community service while providing a safe place to compete, to shoot, and to instruct generations of shooters in the safe, accurate, ethical, and legal use of firearms.
All of the Club Programs/Events are open to the public: you need not be a Club member to compete or participate. However, unsupervised use of the Club’s outdoor ranges is restricted to Club members and their accompanied guests. The Indoor Range is used only for supervised, scheduled activities and is not available for unsupervised use by anyone.
Officers & Directors
Jeff Tormey
Karen Shraeder
Kathryn Karcher
Rick Gibson
Division Directors
Action Pistol Director:
Mark Timmons
Benchrest Director:
Don Burks
Bullseye Pistol Director:
Daryl Taramasso
Junior Program Director:
Bruce Lambdin
Smallbore Director:
Doug Wall
Match Directors
Junior Program:
Bruce Lambdin
Junior Program (assistant)
Sarah Cummings
Smallbore Rifle League:
Doug Wall
4H Coordinator (Potter Co):
Brooks Gentry
4H Coordinator (Randall Co):
Sarah Cummings
Centerfire Benchrest:
Lanny Koenig
Match Directors
Smallbore Benchrest:
James Wheeler
Schuetzen Rifle:
Don Burks
Bullseye Pistol Match:
Daryl Taramasso
Action Pistol Match:
Mark Timmons
Buildings and Grounds:
Thaland Roberts
Hunter Safety Classes:
Wayne Ellis
Accepting New Members!
For more information about joining ARPC and a downloadable Application Form click learn more.