Amarillo Rifle & Pistol Club


Join the Club

The Amarillo Rifle & Pistol Club welcomes new members.  Any person 21 years of age or older who may legally own a firearm and is a member of the National Rifle Association is eligible for consideration.  Those desiring to join the Club should download the application form (click on the button at the bottom of this page) and complete it.  Two current members of the Club must sponsor the applicant.  By signing an application the sponsors vouch for the applicant’s personal integrity, common sense, knowledge of firearms, respect for safety, willingness to follow the Club rules and affirm that the applicant has visited the Club and shot on the ranges as a guest or as a competitor.  If no members are known to the applicant, they are urged to participate in any of the Club Programs/Events (matches) and demonstrate the necessary attributes over time.  Applicants should not approach members strictly for sponsorship or signatures.
The Club has a membership cap of 425 members.   Applications are called in the order received.  Pending applications are held on file (waiting list) by the Club Secretary for two years.

To be inducted into the Club, the applicant must submit a signed, sponsored application and have been notified that the application was received and is in order.  When the Club has membership openings the applicant must then attend a regular meeting of the Club membership accompanied by at least one of their sponsors.  Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday of even-numbered months except December.  The sponsor will introduce the applicant to the members and speak on his/her behalf.  After any questions, members attending the meeting vote on the applicants’ application.   Once inducted, the new member must attend an on-site three-hour orientation program before they are given access to the Club and allowed shoot on the outdoor ranges without supervision.

There is a one-time initial membership assessment of $50. All memberships run from June 1 through May 31 of the following calendar year: there are no Life memberships. Annual membership dues are $125 for Senior members (those 65 and older) and $150 for Regular members.  Members joining the Club after the beginning of the membership year are charged a prorated annual membership fee in addition to the $50 initial assessment.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Club Secretary via the following email.


Download the Membership Form


Complete the Membership Form, including the signatures of your two sponsors, then mail the completed and signed form to:

Amarillo Rifle & Pistol Club
P.O. Box 10101
Amarillo, TX 79116-0101

You and your sponsors will receive an email in advance of the Membership Induction Meeting. 

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